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In Australia you can add your partner to the visa application, without being married 💍!

In Australia the bond of the union between two people regardless of sex, does not require a title to respect the rights and commitments that this relationship has.

So if it is demonstrable, you have the same rights as a couple united by marriage.

As we know it is easier to verify a relationship with a marriage certificate, but this does not mean that it can, without this document ☝🏻.

That's why today, we want to tell you about the relationship called de facto, and how this allows you to add your partner, as a dependent on any visa process, as long as this relationship can be proven. You only have two exceptions, the tourist visa and the Work and Holiday or Working Holiday Visa.

The de facto relationship is defined in Section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975 of the Australian Act 🇦🇺. The law requires the couple, who may be of the same or opposite sex, to have a cohabiting relationship on a genuine domestic basis, which must usually be equal to or greater than 12 months.

However, their relationship is not de facto if they were legally married to each other, or if they are relatives, since in this case, they are family 👨 👨 👧 👧.

How to prove a de facto relationship?

As mentioned, the main component is the coexistence of at least 1️ ⃣ 2️ ⃣ months demonstrable. But there are always elements that help us strengthen the case, such as:

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Benefits in the student visa:

By applying for your study visa, you can add your partner, and that they receive a large part of the benefits of your visa without the need to study.

Your partner in this case can live with you in Australia, leave and return as many times as he wants during the visa period, and can work but the benefits of this last point, will depend on the type of studies he takes, and the one who will study.

The dependents to the visa (couple) have the labor right of 20 hours every fortnight for the entire period of the visa, unless the student carries out postgraduate studies such as Master or Doctorate where the couple can work full time throughout the visa period.

For more details on study visa rights, check out the link below.

Finally, remember that we are here to support you and answer all your questions. If you want more information, or need to talk to us, by pressing the following LINK you can contact our agents.

* Note: The information submitted is current as of the day of publication but readers should consult the Home Affairs Department's website for the latest updates.

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