Potential paths for your future in Australia with Early Childhood Education and Care

In this article we will talk about the early childhood education and care studies and the potential migration pathways that exist as of May 2021. This so that you can make an informed decision about this option of studies, and thus decide whether to pursue a vocational study, or a university one knowing the alternatives offered by each option 👀☝🏻
There are currently 3 occupations that are on the list in relation to this area of study:
When you decide to study a vocational course (VET) in this area, you have as an option the Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care and the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care which generally lasts for 2 years. At the end of these studies you become a Childcare worker.
To be able to apply for the Graduate Visa, which gives you 18 months of visa, the step to follow, after having completed the two years of study, is to do a provisional skill Assessment with ACECQA as Childcare Centre Manager. This shows that the applicant has the basic knowledge even if he does not have any experience.
Then, in order to obtain a potential migratory path it is necessary to have a high level of English and complete the full skill assessment, where it is required to have at least 3 years of work experience to be able to transition from being a Childcare worker to being a Childcare Centre Manager.
This path is difficult given that in order to fulfill the work experience, you will surely require more time than the Graduate Visa gives you. So a more viable option is to opt for a regional territory, since here with the charge of Childcare Centre Worker, you have access to the 494 visa and depending on the territory to a DAMA option.
Visa 494
It is a regional sponsorship. To be able to apply for this visa it is necessary to make a skill assessment as a Childcare Worker, where the requirement with the organization with which it is carried out, ACECQA, is to have at least one year of work experience as a Room Leader. However, the visa requires a total of 3 years of full-time experience, in addition to the nominating company meeting additional requirements. With this you get a 5-year visa that can eventually lead you to permanent residence.
It is good that you know this from the beginning if you decide to take this option, since to achieve this experience, you must build it as soon as you decide to take this path, unless you already have previous experience in the area, which would be of great help.
If you have no previous experience, you can eventually get those 3 years if you gain experience from your Diploma, Advanced Diploma and graduate visa. It is very important that you start working as a room leader as soon as possible, so that you can accumulate the experience required to have immigration options.
It is a risky and long road, where you probably need to complement with another course to be able to reach the time without problem ✅.
DAMA (Designated Area Migration Agreements)
Another way in this level of study, is to go to a place where there is DAMA to be able to apply for the 482 visa in very specific areas of Australia, there is Childcare Worker with one or two years of professional experience to be able to move to a work visa.
ACECQA Skill Assessment:
DAMA Programs:
DAMA Skill Assessment:
The other way is to study a higher education course. Within these options we have the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education.
This option is a more stable path, since at the end of this study, you graduate as an Early Childhood Teacher (ECT).
To perform the skill assessment with AITSL (regulatory authority) it is not necessary to have work experience, it is only necessary to finish the Bachelor or the accredited Master, which contains professional practices to be carried out during the career. What is, you should consider that the level of English required for this process is IELTS 8 in Speaking and Listening, and 7 in Reading and Writing.
Being higher education courses you access a postgraduate visa of between 2 and 4 years according to the level studied and the area in which it was studied. That will allow you to accumulate the necessary years of experience as an Early Childhood Teacher, and being on the list of occupations called in medium and long term list (MLTSSL), the course plus the Graduate Visa will give you the time to gather up to 3 years of experience in the last 5 years, required to apply for permanent visa through employment. These years of experience could also help you improve your profile for permanent visas by scoring system.
This means that with this path it could become possible to reside both through points, as well as through employment (sponsor), which makes it a great opportunity if this is your goal.
Whatever the case, we recommend talking to Valeria Montiel, certified immigration agent and director of Valiant Migration Consultancy, if you are interested in following any of these paths. With it you will be able to evaluate all your options and potential walks based on your profile, your work experience, studies and level of English.
We leave you the link where you can schedule with it and our referral code so that you get $ 60 AUD discount on your consultation.
Booking: https://bit.ly/valeriamontiel
And remember, if you need our help, do not hesitate to contact us. You can fill out the form below or contact one of our agents directly to resolve all your questions.
* Note: The information submitted is current as of the day of publication but readers should consult the Home Affairs Department's website for the latest updates.